State Regulations
Disclaimer: This website contains helpful information regarding the responsible and legal use of the WeedRoller PRO in your area. In many cases, the enclosed information may have since been changed due to changing regulations. Also, additional restrictions may apply that are not represented by this web site. These may include restrictions because of federally owned or regulated lands, county or city authorities, lake associations or private access lakes. Please check into any new or additional concerns that may apply to your individual application.
No regulation of the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources would prohibit the use of the WeedRoller PRO in Alabama. Dept. Of Conservation – 64 N. Union St. Montgomery, AL 36130. 1993
No reply from inquiries with the Department of Natural Resources.
No reply from inquiries with the Department of Natural Resources.
No regulation from the Department of Natural Resources would prohibit the use of the WeedRoller PRO as long as natural fish spawning is not directly affected. 1993
No reply from inquiries with the Department of Natural Resources. Users in California report use of WeedRoller PRO is subject to local authority, and lake associations. 1995
No regulations exist from the Department of Natural Resources that would prohibit the use of the WeedRoller PRO. 1993
No reply from inquiries with the Department of Natural Resources.
No reply from inquiries with the Department of Natural Resources
The Department of Environmental Protection requires a permit. Some local authorities also require a permit. For Statewide information, contact The Environmental Protection Department, 3900 Commonwealth Blvd. Tallahassee, FL 32399-3000. 904-488-4805. In the Orlando area, contact The Dept. of Environmental Protection Aquatic Plant Management, 5882 So. Semoran Blvd., Orlando, FL 32882 407-275-4004. And contact The Dept. of Environmental Protection; 2002 E. Michigan St. Orlando, FL 32806 407-836-7400. 1994.
No reply from inquiries with the Department of Natural Resources.
No reply from inquiries with the Department of Natural Resources.
No reply from inquiries with the Department of Natural Resources.
The Department of Natural Resources does not restrict the use, nor require a permit for the WeedRoller PRO. 1993
No permit is required if the cleared area is less than 625 sq ft. – about 160 degrees with a 21 foot boom on a WeedRoller PRO. Above that, a permit is required ($5.00) which is obtainable online from the Indiana DNR site in which you state the area of the beach to be cleared and provide a brief survey of the weed types present. Takes about 2 weeks to receive the approval back.
The Department of Natural Resources does not restrict the use, nor require a permit for the WeedRoller PRO. 1993
No reply from inquiries with the Department of Natural Resources. 1993
No reply from inquiries with the Department of Natural Resources. 1993
Department of Natural Resources, along with other agencies may require permit(s) to use the WeedRoller PRO. Contact permits coordinator at Dept. of Nat. Resources; P.O. Box 44487 Baton Rouge, LA 70804-4487 504-342-7591 1993
The state of Maine requires a permit from The Dept of Environmental Protection for any use of this or similar product in state waters. Inquiries concerning this should be directed through 207-287-3901 for the Natural Resources Protection Act staff. 2008
The Maryland Department of Natural Resources does not restrict the use, nor require a permit for the WeedRoller PRO. 1993
The Department of Environmental Management does not restrict the use, nor require a permit for the WeedRoller PRO. 1993
A permit under the Inland Lakes and Streams Act is required to place and use the WeedRoller PRO. The Michigan DNR applies the WeedRoller PRO under an “Expedited Letter Process” for minor activities and may be permitted without field inspection or public notice. Processing time is normally less than 30 days. Contact The State Permit Consolidation Unit at 517-373-9244.
Beginning in 1997, the Minnesota DNR revised the regulations for aquatic plant control. At that time a category for the WeedRoller PRO was created called Automatic Untended Aquatic Plant Control Device (AUAPCD). Under the revised rule, AUAPCDs such as the WeedRoller PRO require a permit. Under the revised regulations: 1) A permit is required to install or operate the WeedRoller PRO for aquatic plant control regardless of the size of the area. A permit will likely not be issued if the purpose of the WeedRoller PRO is not for Nuisance weed control but is installed to Dredge or excavate a significant amount of the lake bottom. 2) A permit valid for three years may be obtained if the WeedRoller PRO is operated in an area of submerged vegetation that is no larger than 2,500 square feet, and extends no more than 50 feet along the shore or one half the property owners frontage, whichever is less. An annual permit is required for larger areas. The initial permit process requires a site inspection by an Aquatic Plant Management (APM) Specialist. This might not occur until ice off and enough weed growth occurs to determine extent and type of weeds. The APM specialist at his discretion may renew permits without additional inspection. Early application will result in earlier inspection and processing. For more information, call the DNR at 1-800-766-6000 or call Crary Industries, Inc. for the regional office nearest you. 1998
No reply from inquiries with the Department of Natural Resources. 1993
The Department of Natural Resources states that weed removal which does not involve herbicides is a welcome alternative. Persons operating this equipment should gather the vegetation which occurs in riparian wetland areas. The Dept. of Conservation should be checked with to determine if operation should be limited during certain times due to spawning activity. Each individual owner should check with the agency or group which owns or operates the lake. 1993
No reply from inquiries with the Department of Natural Resources. 1993
No reply from inquiries with the Department of Natural Resources. 1993
No reply from inquiries with the Department of Natural Resources. 1993
A number of agencies in New Hampshire believe permit(s) would be required for WeedRoller PRO operation. Contact The Department of Environmental Services, 6 Hazen Dr. P.O. Box 95, Concord, NH 603-271-2867. In addition, research and demonstration has been ongoing to these agencies through Irwin Marine. For the latest details; Contact Irwin Marine (Jack) at P.O. Box 6145, Laconia, New Hampshire 03247-6145. 603-524-6145 1995
No reply from inquiries with the Department of Natural Resources. 1993
No reply from inquiries with the Department of Natural Resources. 1993
The removal of aquatic plants using non-chemical means does not require a permit from the Department of Environmental Conservation as long as the property is not located on or within 100 feet of a jurisdictional wetland, and is outside of the Adirondack Park. 1993
Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources report no permit requirement. They advise that permits might be required to install the WeedRoller PRO in estuaries and certain other areas by other agencies. Contact Div. of Water Resources DEHNR, P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, NC 27611- 7687 919-733-4064 1993
The Department of Game and Fish prefers mechanical removal over the use of chemicals for controlling shoreline aquatic vegetation. The WeedRoller PRO is the next best thing to physically removing the vegetation from the Lake. No permit is required. 1993
The Department of Natural Resources in Ohio does not permit nor regulate weed removal in water administered by the state. Shoreline and submerged land ownership varies between private individuate at both inland lakes/reservoirs, rivers and Lake Erie. The WeedRoller PRO may be subject to regulation by the Army Corps of Engineers regarding the process of sediment removal and relocation. Contact the district office of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 1993
No reply from inquiries with the Department of Natural Resources. 1993
No reply from inquiries with the Department of Natural Resources. 1993
Department of Environmental Resources reports no known permit requirements in Pennsylvania. Additional inquiries should be made to the PA Fish & Boat Commission. P.O. Box 67000, Harrisburg, PA 17106-7000. 1993
No reply from inquiries with the Department of Natural Resources. 1993
No reply from inquiries with the Department of Natural Resources. 1993
No reply from inquiries with the Department of Natural Resources. 1993
Department of Environment and Conservation reports that the WeedRoller PRO appears to be effective in controlling rooted aquatic macrophytes, would not cause detrimental effects to the aquatic environment, and would provide a preferable alternative to the use of herbicides. The WeedRoller PRO, if correctly used, would not require a permit from the department for use in Tennessee. 1993
Department of Natural Resource Conservation Commission does not regulate the use of the WeedRoller PRO. The Texas Parks & Wildlife Department does not regulate its use in private water. Permit or permission may be required by private lake associations/ownership. 1993
No reply from inquiries with the Department of Natural Resources. 1993
Agency of Natural Resources reports that under Vermont’s Aquatic Nuisance Control Permit regulations, a permit would be necessary as a powered mechanical device for use in Vermont’s waters. Permit fee is $150.00. Contact the Department of Environmental Conservation, 103 So. Main St.Waterbury, VT 05671-0408 (802)244-5638. Form “E” is required at least 45 days prior to planned installation. Ask for “PROCEDURES FOR THE ISSUANCE OR DENIAL OF AQUATIC NUISANCE PERMITS UNDER TITLE 10, CHAPTER 47.” 1993
Department of Game and Inland Fisheries reports that Virginia has several water bodies where the aquatic weed Hydrilla has become a major issue for landowners and public access areas. The WeedRoller PRO may offer a new alternative for Hydrilla control around private and public docks and piers. There are no specific regulations that would prohibit the use of the WeedRoller in Virginia. 1993
The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife has adopted Aquatic Plants Control Regulations WAC 220-110-334 to apply to the WeedRoller. A WeedRoller PRO owner may operate a WeedRoller PRO at their property provided: They have in their possession the current Aquatic Weeds and Fish HPA pamphlet and are complying with the provisions in the pamphlet. There are a number of provisions common to all aquatic plant control or removal methods, These in general reflect the following: *Removal of detached plants and plant fragments from the watercourse shall be as complete as possible. *Work shall be conducted to minimize the release of sediment from the project site *Every effort shall be made to avoid the spread of plant fragments through equipment contamination. *Fish habitat components such as logs, stumps, boulders may be moved within the watercourse as necessary, but these habitat components shall not be removed from the watercourse. *Due to potential impacts to sockeye spawning areas, prior authorization by the department shall be required for activities in Baker Lake, and Lakes Osoyoos, Ozette, Pleasant, Quinalult, Sammamish, Washington, and Wenatchee. In addition to these provisions specific to the WeedRoller PRO are: *WeedRoller PROs shall not be used to remove an aquatic noxious weed early infestation *WeedRoller PROs shall not cover an area of more than 2500 square feet. A Substantial Development Permit (Shoreline Mgmnt. Act) may be required by some local jurisdictions. Contact appropriate county offices for information. The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Aquatic Plants and Fish Pamphlet can be obtained at any Dept. Fish and Wildlife regional office. Or call 360-902-2534 for more information. 1998
No reply from inquiries with the Department of Natural Resources. 1993
The state has no specific statute which governs mechanical weed control for Wisconsin riparians. They have however declared jurisdiction over the WeedRoller PRO under statute #30.12 – 3 which governs the placement of certain “structures” in navigable waters. Form 3500-53 must be submitted with a $25 filing fee. The Wisconsin Dept. of Natural Resources has demonstrated to be adverse to the WeedRoller PRO and the issuance of permits for its use. 1995
No reply from inquiries with the Department of Natural Resources. 1993